postpartum low back pain? Try this!

In the early postpartum period there is a LOT going on. All of the sudden you are now in charge of raising a living breathing baby! There are no rule books, tips or tricks that can prepare effectively prepare you for this period. Your mind takes a dramatic shift and all of your focus and brain power are now directed at taking care of your precious creation.

On the plus side, you are no longer pregnant 😊 but your body has just undergone a massive change and needs time and care to recover. I could list out a million different things that we need to focus on in terms of treatment in the early postpartum period and all of them would likely be beneficial. . . but the purpose of this blog is to highlight one small piece that often gets overlooked.

Now that you are responsible for caring for a newborn you will spend a lot of your time sitting. Nursing, pumping or bottle feeding while sitting. Getting nap trapped and stuck on the couch for hours sitting. If you are not sitting then we are bent over a changing table trying to dress and undress a noncooperative infant or change the 10th diaper of the day.

What do all of these things have in common? These positions tend to put a curve in our spine also known as spinal flexion. While there is nothing wrong with spinal flexion, if that is the only movement your spine is getting it can start to create low back pain. At Empower Physical Therapy and Wellness, we believe that the body is designed to perform all movements without pain or restriction and that is something we can help you work towards. However, in this early postpartum period our bodies tends to get overloaded with flexion. This can result in increased low back pain, tightness or even radicular symptoms into your glutes or legs. A very effective way to help restore balance to your body and decrease complaints of low back pain, tightness or even numbness/tingling/burning into your legs is to get on your belly and do press ups.

TRY THIS! Every time you put your baby to the floor for tummy time, try and join them. Get on your belly and do a few press ups (also known as cobra in yoga). This is simple and effective. Give it a try and let us know how it goes!

Prone press up for low back pain

*if you have a history of spinal surgeries or injuries please consult a medical professional before trying this at home

If you are currently experiencing any pelvic floor related issues or are unsure if you are please reach out to us either through social media @empowerptandwellness, email: or give us a call or a text at 678-413-5587. You are not alone in what you are experiencing and we would love to help guide you to achieve everything you want!

Empower Physical Therapy and Wellness

1061 Cambridge Square Suite D

Alpharetta GA 30004



LIving well with pelvic organ prolapse 


I have a tight pelvic floor. Does that mean I should not be STRENGTHENING?