Understanding 360 breathing

Hey there, champions of pelvic well-being!

So, let's talk about this buzz-worthy topic we keep hearing about—breathing techniques. It's everywhere, right? From wellness blogs to your favorite workout class, everyone's singing the praises of deep breaths and relaxation methods. But here's the kicker: Depending on what you read or the workout guru you're vibing with, the info might seem a tad conflicting. Belly breaths, quick breaths, long deep inhales—cue the confusion!

In a world flooded with "best ways to breathe," the real question is, what the heck is the best way for you? Are you supposed to be belly-breathing like a Zen master or doing rapid-fire inhales that leave you feeling like you just ran a marathon? It's enough to make your head spin, right? Let's unravel the mystery together.

The Basics: WHy 360 breathing

Guess what? Here at Empower Physical Therapy in Alpharetta, GA, we're diving headfirst into the wonders of 360 breathing. Sure, belly breathing and chest breathing have their moment in the spotlight, but oh, the magic that happens when you embrace the full-circle symphony of 360 breaths!

Now, here's the inside scoop: your pelvic floor isn't just hanging out on its own; it's part of an entire system known as your "core canister." To learn more about this check out our blog titled “Your Pelvic Floor Works As Part of A System”. And if you're looking to unleash the full heatlh of your pelvic floor and restore that bounce in its step, learing breath control through 360 breathing is the secret sauce!

Picture this: it's not just about your belly or your chest; it's about a grand expansion that reaches your ribs, trunk, and yes, the superstar of the show—the pelvic floor in all directions equally. This helps your core canister to work together, balancing out the pressure and load placed on your pelvic floor.

Benefits of 360 Breathing for your Pelvic Floor

  1. It helps connect your diaphragm, abdominals, paraspinals and pelvic floor

  2. It helps to restore full range of motion to your pelvic floor

  3. It helps to reduce tension, pain and tightness in your pelvic floor

  4. Coordinating a 360 breath with core engagement helps to increase strength and pressure management

  5. It helps to reduced your fight or flight response and stimulate a more calming parasympathetic response.

How Do you complete 360 Breathing?

You can also try this in just about any position to try and master your craft! Here are just a few of our favorite positions to practice 360 breathing

This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the power of breath but we hope you found this information useful!

Happy Practicing Love your Empower Physical Therapy and Wellness team!

If you are currently experiencing any pelvic floor related issues or are unsure if you are please reach out to us either through:

Instagram: @empowerptandwellness

Email: Hello@WeEmpowerPT.com

Call or Text: 678-413-5587

You are not alone in what you are experiencing and we would love to help guide you to achieve everything you want!


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